Martina’s Wonderland

Voila! Photo Stories
1 min readJul 31, 2018

Have you ever dreamed of a wonderland where you want to go to? No matter it really existed or not, you often dream about it. I have often dreamed of a rainforest where relaxes me. Surprisingly, I found it accidentally in one morning.

My wounderland is located in Alishan National Park, Chiayi. When I saw this place, something familiar just came to my mind, but I can’t sort out the reason because I haven’t been here before. But at a moment, I discovered that, oh, yes, I saw this before and I had gone here several times. That was happened when I was in my dream.

I was really excited about my wonderland. And it seemed to discover my happiness. So when I walked slowly in the forest, the sunlight suddently shined through the trees and upon my face to get rid of cold air in the morning. I basked in warm sun’s rays and enjoyed this moment with delight.

