
David Yang
Voila! Photo Stories
4 min readSep 20, 2018

A heavy rain alarm message was coming.

It was the first thing I saw when I waked up from my good dream.

Maybe that is a hint for my mind that I felt something would pour out.

As a result, as fast as I could, I ran to the place to released my soul.

The swirl of my soul was roaring, and someone is peeping at me.

I went to the top floor of my apartment.

The wind was roaring, the air is misted.

No moonlight could be saw, but there was still a shining star in my vision.

The purple light flashed for me.

Something was coming, but I was exciting about it.

I took the elevator to fist floor, and the message showed how a great Sybila it was.

Now, would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground?

The prophecy said the it would poured out, but it did not mention how strong it would be.

But I saw that the night was dyed by the rain into a half of white. It waving, shining, and flooding.

I found that no matter how great the building was, it could not stop the erosion of the rain.

Therefore, I could not find a place to escape from the wetting air which smelled bittersweet.

They ran into my noise with out my permission, to smell or not to smell is not a question, but a fact.

Also, I understood that life is but a walking woman with her raincoat and rainboots.

No matter how hard it is, we would pass it.

Nothing could stop our steps.

The only except was waiting for the traffic light.

Besides that, empty hole which made the greatest splash would be a little threaten.

No matter how long night, the arrival of daylight Association.

But at this moment, the time was 19:20, I had to wait for at least over 10 hours, and no one knows how long the rain would be.

Therefore, I walked under the pedestrian arcade

My steps wondering under the rain. My hands started to smoke on the street.

No one would bother me, because they did not really care about my smoke.

I did not know how long did I walked.

I just wanted to let my cigarette be done, though there was a waterfall.

Because there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

At last, I came back to my home, and went to the bathroom for taking shower.

Then I found someone used to the tempest and the flood which comes from the faucet and the shower heads.

For him, it is just a peace of cake.

Therefore, in your opinion, it is tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, isn’t it?

