Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory

David Chen
Voila! Photo Stories
7 min readAug 14, 2018

In Taiwan, the average temperature could reach 28°C (82.4°F) in the summer. In these kinds of dog days, what’s the first place you would like to go to?

A beach?

A department store with AC?

My answer to this question is the Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory.

The main entrance of YueMei Sugar Factory

The Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory is located in Houli District, Taichung City. It was established in 1909 (Japanese-Occupied Period). The Sugar Factory began producing sugar until 1999. After that, it transformed into a tourism sugar factory. From then on, it has become a must-see for tourists who travel to Houli. People visit there not only for the majestic machinery and chimney, which are now being exhibited in an old factory, but also for the gourmet ice dessert there. For locals, including me, there is such a memorable place.

Let’s get rolling into the old factory

Although this factory has stopped producing sugar, it’s still worth it for the enormous machinery and historical construction.

When I walked around the factory, it was like I was there in the past. By following a tour guide, every single sugar-making step from the raw material, sugar cane, to the product, granulated sugar, were all operating again in front of me. Everything in the factory came alive and I felt like I was witnessing the prime of the sugar industry in Taiwan when it was during the Japanese-occupied period.

An entrance of the Underground Tunnel

shoot up from the bottom of an old chimney inside

the underground tunnel

The Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory also features the underground tunnel which was made for expelling the smoke produced by the boilers. I found it so riveting because of the tons of bullet holes outside the chimney. It was a mark of World War II. Sugar factories were vulnerable targets then because the factories’ chimneys were so obvious to attack and also the sugar industry was crucial for Taiwan’s economy.

Tourism Shuttle Train

After I exited the tunnel, it was a colorful disabled-friendly tourist shuttle train parked outside. However, I would say it is more touching to savor this historical factory on foot than by shuttle train if possible.

Honor-discharged steam train

A steam train which was used for transporting sugar cane to the production line is now standing steadily outside of the factory.

I walked down two old streets to discover some traditional Taiwanese toys and snacks. The most interesting thing was there were so many foreign flags hanging from the ceiling on a line, but there were no foreign characters appearing in the streets.

To be honest, the stuff sold on these two streets didn’t entice me at all except for the Taisugar Sarsaparilla. This sarsaparilla is launched by Taisugar and is not the same as Heysong Sarsaparilla, which is much more famous in Taiwan, but if you asked me which one is better, my answer would definitely be Taisugar Sarsaparilla.

My favorite Sarsaparilla brand — Taisugar Sarsaparilla

Some people were surrounding this square pond where two ducks, several turtles, and tons of fish lived. I saw the creatures in this pond as the residents there. I couldn’t remember when the ducks started to live here but I was pretty sure the turtles have lived here for a long time. I always enjoyed watching these little guys in the pond, which made me feel calm and nostalgic.

The next stop was an Ice and Drinks shop which was the highlight for me. Throughout my parents’ childhood, this shop was there to sell drinks and frozen desserts for the former sugar factory staff. It was so important for people who lived nearby because convenience stores were not so common then. It was just like an old version of a convenience store which provided people a place to buy desserts.

Tea Machine & Popsicles

This shop was a generation bridge that connected many generations. My parents and grandparents usually took me there on weekends when I was little, and I shared my favorite ice cream with them. It was one of the most memorable things that happened in my life.

I have tried almost every kind of dessert there, and to be honest, I didn’t think the black tea and milk tea were good. I would prefer their ice cream and popsicles to tea. There are various flavors of popsicles and ice cream: peanut flavor, green bean flavor, taro flavor, passion fruit flavor, etc.

There were lots of beautiful memories in this shop, but I felt a little bit sad because my favorite flavor of ice cream had been discontinued.

Red Bean Flavor Popsicle

I bought a red bean flavor popsicle this time. Popsicles are always one of the most popular products there.

Free-seats that people can chill out

Outside the shop, there were so many tables and seats where people were able to take a rest and enjoy their desserts. The view of people sitting outside the shop and having desserts has always been the same, just like it has never changed.

I admit that Yumei Sugar Factory may not be the hottest spot but it is definitely a place people can visit and escape from the hustle and bustle life.

I finished visiting the Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory but I was not in a hurry to head to the next stop because there was a mysterious place that was only 200 meters away, the Yuemei thousand-year eucalyptus tree.

It is a humongous, ancient and luxuriant eucalyptus tree, called Zie Ming, and is assumed its age could be more than a thousand years old, so the locals there believe this area must be blessed by gods of Taiwan. They built a temple to worship the gods there. Later, this area developed gradually into a place where the locals always went and relaxed. It is not as famous as the sugar factory, but it is so important for the locals to gather around or pray for health and safety.

Monument of Zie Ming Tree

I found it intriguing that it was not only one eucalyptus tree; instead, there are two eucalyptus trees living together. Their branches stretch outward from the center, and the extensive branches were so heavy that they needed many red brackets to support them in case they broke off.

Since the first time I was acquainted with them, I have always admired their vitality. I am attached to this place. The atmosphere there never changed. People walking and chatting there have never changed. The two great eucalyptus trees there have never changed. Everything is the same as in the past, like time has stopped moving there. It is tremendously tranquil.

