Class Schedule

what to read/listen to and when

Illustration by Katty Huertas | Texas Monthly

(17 JAN) What’s religion?

KI101 S1E1, “What the Heck is Religion and What the Heck is this Podcast

KI101 S1E6, “You Might Be Done with Religion, but Religion Is Not Done with You”

KI101 S2E5, “Gender, sexuality and religion in what’s now the US

(19 JAN) What’s race?

KI101 S2E5, “Race and religion in what’s now the US

Rana, “The Story of Islamophobia”

Johnson, “Black Religion, the Security State, and the Racialization of Islam

Chapter 5, I Am Not Your Negro (2016), in class
**CN for white supremacist language**

(26 JAN) the US Constitution and religious nationalism

US Constitution, Article VI Clause 3 and the first amendment

KI101 SGS2: “Religious nationalism

Washington and Seixas correspondence (1790)

Smith, Rotolo, and Tevington, “45% of Americans Say U.S. Should Be a ‘Christian Nation’

(31 JAN) Religious freedom*

Wenger, intro and conclusion to Religious Freedom

Sullivan, “The impossibility of religious freedom

Hurd, “Believing in religious freedom

(2 FEB) Harkness Sprints: 4 groups

(7 & 9 FEB) NO CLASS

Catch up on coursework and rest!

(14 FEB) Religious freedom and Native religions (1)

Wenger, “We are guaranteed freedom

Zitkála Šá, “Why I am a pagan

KI101 S4E4, “What are Indigenous religions? Part 2

(16 FEB) Religious freedom and Native religions (2)

Employment Division v. Smith (1990), oyez

RFRA (1993)

Sullivan, “The World That Smith Made

Wenger, “Why Religious Freedom Won’t Protect Native American Sacred Lands

(21 & 23 FEB) NO CLASS: February break

(2 MAR) Abolition, emancipation, and suffrage

KI101 S2E5, “Gender, Sexuality, & Religion in what’s now the U.S.

Grimke, “Appeal to the Christian Women of the South

Truth, “Ain’t I a woman?” (both versions)

Lavery, “Suffragettes who sucked

13th and 19th amendments

ACLU, “Voting Rights Act: Major Dates in History

NONDOC, “Native American Voting Rights

(9 MAR) Harkness sprints: 3 groups

(16 MAR) Griswold + Loving + Roe

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), oyez

Loving v. Virginia (1968), oyez

Roe v. Wade (1973), oyez

The Janes (2022), screening in class

(21 MAR) Burwell

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014), oyez and Ginsburg dissent

Goodwin, “Cost of Corporate Conscience

(23 MAR) NO CLASS: March break

(28 MAR) Dobbs

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health (2022), oyez and Kagan dissent

Ruttenberg, “My Religion Makes Me Pro-abortion

Jalalzai, “Please stop using Islam to critique the abortion ban

Full Frontal, But God didn’t say that!

Frank, thread on post-Dobbs religious repro advocacy

(30 MAR) Contraceptive nationalism

Goodwin, “Contraceptive nationalism

Goodwin, “Sex, religion, abuse

(4 APR) 6 January 2021

Imhoff, “Shofar blast

du Mez, “Braveheart

Lloyd, “QAnon shaman

Butler, “Hanging democracy on the gallows

Drake, “We represent blue lives

Choudry, “In the name above all names

(6 APR) Harkness prep

(11 APR) Harkness Discussions: Group 1

(13 APR) Harkness Discussions: Group 2

(21 April) all work for this class due by 11:59pm



Megan Goodwin
Election! Race, Religion, and Politics in what’s now the US

author of _Abusing Religion_, co-host of “Keeping It 101: A Killjoy’s Introduction to Religion Podcast,” and wikipedia-certified expert on (ugh) cults