The one-stop-shop: Electric Wallet Pro enhances user experience

Electric Cash
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2021

When he was only 14 years old, computer programmer Aaron Swartz was part of the committee that drafted the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) code. He believed in the power of aggregators — applications that collect updates from chosen websites in one place. Today, people can use them to access news from multiple locations easily.

Driven by the same desire to improve customer experience, Electric Cash (ELCASH) has developed its first proprietary mobile wallet application: Electric Wallet Pro. Available for both Android and iOS platforms, this flagship product is one convenient location for everything ELCASH users need to maximize their output.

But what does that look like?

Under the Hood

Swartz recognized the potential of having multiple news feeds in one location. But why stop there? Applications can now gather information, automatically update functionality, track and record communications, and much more. The most useful apps do it all.

Electric Wallet Pro is an app that provides ELCASH users with a variety of new features:

  • Multiple Wallet Management

Modern investors know the importance of diversification. They put their capital in different sectors and types of investment to reduce risk. Electric Wallet Pro gives ELCASH users the same power. The app enables users to manage their ELCASH funds safely. This includes the ability to create and manage multiple wallets. However, ELCASH is the only coin users can add to those wallets.

  • Secure Transactions

One of the primary concerns for most crypto users is security. They want an ecosystem that facilitates safe transactions. Electric Wallet Pro is an application that offers a user-friendly, safe transaction functionality. Now, users can send and receive ELCASH coins with even more peace of mind.

  • Bookkeeping

Information overload is a problem for everyone. For crypto users, busy blockchains make it difficult to recall specific and important data. Electric Wallet Pro has the solution. Its transaction history functionality records user activity. Everything is stored and presented in a clear and concise manner and can be viewed at any time.

  • Explorer Connectivity

An extension of the bookkeeping functionality is connectivity to the ELCASH blockchain explorer. Electric Wallet Pro provides users with hyperlinks to view transactions on the explorer. This empowers them to make their own decisions. Users can either use the application’s data records or navigate to the explorer.

  • Mobility

These days, consumers are always on the go. They are rarely at home. And when they are, they want to relax. They prefer to manage finances while commuting to work or sitting in the office canteen. Electric Wallet Pro users get complete access to their wallets 24 hours a day. They only need to be connected to the Internet.

  • Automatic Updates

Automatic software updates are vital to the security of any application. Digital devices are most commonly compromised through outdated software. Electric Wallet Pro is equipped with automatic update functionality. This makes the app more secure, but it also means Electric Cash can roll out new functionalities as soon as they are ready.

The Importance of User Experience

Due to continued technological progress, the use of digital devices has become an integral part of our lives. Almost all major products and services have become digitalized. This also means they all need interfaces for human interaction.

Put simply, user experience (UX) is the pursuit of improving the overall experience of interacting with a system, product, or service. Attention to user experience is vital for the long-term success of all digital endeavors. If users feel uncomfortable, confused, or frustrated while using an interface, they will turn to competitors.

Often, UX leaves a stronger impression on the minds of users than the capabilities of the product or service. A well-structured and user-friendly design can make the difference when it comes to the mass adoption of any digital product or service.

Currently, almost all crypto products and services are exclusively available in digital form. Consequently, it is necessary for crypto products and services to have excellent UX structures. This is why Electric Cash has so heavily utilized this powerful design weapon.

ELCASH’s Enhanced UX

Building something from the ground up takes a lot of time and effort. But the benefits of such an approach to programming are clear. Electric Cash decided to build its application the right way.

The all-new Electric Wallet Pro app was designed to provide a safe and friendly user experience. By focusing on UX, Electric Cash was able to create seamless interactions with its many features. The team of designers paid a great deal of attention to the following:

  • Palatable colors and uniform texture throughout the app
  • Distinct and clear icons and tabs for easy navigation
  • Self-explanatory terms and processes
  • An anti-ambiguity approach to all procedures (no dark patterns)
  • Easily understandable patterns for better mind mapping

Such solid foundations give Electric Wallet Pro promising longevity. By providing a uniquely friendly interface, Electric Cash ensures its users will continually engage with their app and spread the word to other crypto enthusiasts.

Forthcoming Features for the Wallet

Electric Cash is constantly reimagining its ecosystem and working on new solutions for its users. As previously mentioned, Electric Wallet Pro also serves as the fundamental platform for further updates and features.

Several new features are already in the pipeline. It won’t be long before Electric Wallet Pro users receive updates that include:

  • Staking

As the industry begins to look at alternative mechanisms, staking is growing in popularity. Any cryptocurrency that does not offer this functionality is risking user frustration. Electric Wallet Pro will offer its users the ability to stake and earn related rewards in the form of additional ELCASH coins. This update will also include a free daily transaction limit and additional governance power.

  • Governance

People feel more connected to a product or service when they are involved in its evolution. One of the reasons blockchain technology is so popular is that every user has a say in maintaining the overall network. Recognizing this, Electric Cash will soon release a governance update for Electric Wallet Pro. This will give users the power to engage in development proposals and participate in the voting process.

Key Takeaways

It is clear Electric Cash has its finger on the pulse of the industry. It knows what its users expect from a cryptocurrency. The willingness to listen will prove invaluable for its longevity and keep the project team busy for a long time to come.

With such detailed plans and continuous development, Electric Cash aims to create a strong impression on its community. By maximizing UX for its existing users, it creates an environment with a lot of buzz.

Crypto enthusiasts talk to each other about the pros and cons of everything in the industry. Satisfied Electric Wallet Pro users will spread the word and attract new users. The team at Electric Cash is giving its project the best chance to grow. Soon, it will increase the size of its community and take its project to the next level.

That next level includes global reach. Their proprietary software allows Electric Cash to customize its product for various audiences with specific needs. Additionally, as knowledge of new markets increases, Electric Wallet Pro’s update functionality ensures a continually improved user experience.

For more information on Electric Wallet Pro and other Electric Cash products, visit:

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