inrush: Accelerating the deployment of EV charging infrastructure

Assembly of an inrush container is done offsite in parallel with design and permitting. This avoids many common delays that can occur when installing permanent charging infrastructure solutions.

Luke Clause
Electric Fleets
3 min readJun 16, 2022


bp pulse’s inrush containerized EV charging solution is assembled in a shipping container offsite and dropped onto the customer’s property. All related switchgear is housed safely inside the container.

One of the advantages of containerized infrastructure solutions like inrush is the speed of deployment. When compared to typical in-ground installations, inrush can cut timelines significantly, thanks to prefabrication that moves forward in parallel with design and permitting. With the majority of the balance of systems installed inside the container in advance, fleets utilizing inrush can avoid facility and operations impacts typically incurred when installing permanent charging infrastructure onsite.

Ramping Up for inrush

As is required for all charging projects, to evaluate the applicability of inrush for your fleet, the first step is an initial engineering assessment for your site. Here we review the needs of your fleet, any facility constraints, and your existing utility service. Within this two month timeframe, we develop a preliminary site plan and electrical design, identify your power needs, coordinate with your utility to start a new service application (where applicable), and specify appropriate equipment. Through this process, we also identify and establish the pricing, contracting method, and overall timeline for your project.

Notice-to-proceed to operational in six months: Following an initial site assessment and standard engineering services, it takes approximately six months to deploy inrush, allowing you to transition to EVs and scale much more quickly.

inrush: Design and Development (Months 1–4)

Once we’ve determined viability and the correct configuration of equipment for your operations, your inrush project officially begins. Each inrush solution is customized to the unique needs of the project, so bp pulse works with you to procure your specified chargers and the necessary electrical gear. Next, we finalize site designs, adhering to permitting requirements from local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs). Meanwhile, your inrush container is fabricated offsite at our partner manufacturing facility, with bp pulse oversight and product management ensuring accuracy and quality.

Tandem Assembly & Permitting (Months 4–5)

Once your chargers and all electrical gear are received at our partner facility, final container assembly with these elements begins. As we work to install all necessary wiring, conduit, electrical panels, and chargers to your inrush container, permits are received, allowing us to get ready for inrush delivery. inrush is designed and built to meet all applicable electrical and building codes, and any local guidelines on shipping container reuse.

Onsite Field Work (Months 5–6)

As your container is fully assembled, site work to prepare for delivery begins. Only a single electrical feed is installed for each container, so underground electrical work is kept to a minimum, reducing installation time and impact to your site. Delivery typically takes one week. Once delivered, your container is set into place, electrical connections are made, and your inrush system can be inspected for approval by the relevant AHJs. This concludes the physical work onsite, which, depending on the site itself, can be limited to 2–3 weeks. After this, your inrush container is officially placed into service at approximately six months from contracting to completion.

bp pulse’s inrush Containerized Charging System provides interim charging for fleets looking for alternatives to traditional infrastructure. Ready to get started with inrush? Check out our website to learn more and find out if semi-permanent charging infrastructure is right for you.

