How Ending the United States Could Save the United States

An Argument for Secession

Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
Electric Thoughts
4 min readSep 11, 2020


The unofficial seal of the Commission on Presidential Debates reading, “THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION FOREVER,” hangs above the stage of the first presidential debate of 2016 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Photo by Brian Allen, Voice of America (Public Domain).

With the radical left attempting to destroy most of what makes America good, political division is growing and the secession of part of the country is becoming more and more likely.

I certainly do not hope for this outcome and believe everything should be done to prevent it, but if there comes a choice between transforming America into the Orwellian dystopia of the radical left or ending the Union that has lasted for so long and survived so much, I’d have to choose the latter.

Not only do I believe this choice would be the lesser of the two evils, but I also think that this path would almost inevitably lead to reunification and the reestablishment of a good country. Here’s my argument why:

The source of the radical left’s power is division; they divide people into factions of oppressor vs oppressed and have many categories along which this line is drawn: white vs black, man vs woman, straight vs gay, rich vs poor, etc.

Their most dangerous division, however, isn’t between races or sexual preferences because these qualities are quite meaningless, despite the radical left’s claims otherwise. Their most dangerous division is those who study objective reality through logic, reason, and evidence vs those who construct subjective realities based on predetermined beliefs.

Their tactic of division is an expansion of Marxism; where Karl Marx mostly focused on the division of Bourgeois vs Proletariat, the radical left divides people in every manner possible and uses their most dangerous division of objective vs subjective reality to “justify” their unjustifiable positions.

Their strategy, just like Marx’s, is to divide and conquer; they set people at each other’s throats and assume power. Either the arsonist becomes the firefighter or, if that doesn't work, the arsonist kills the firefighter. And, again, they get away with this in large part due to their division of objective vs subjective reality.

However, this is America, and the rational people here aren’t ones to tolerate tyrants. If the radical left continues to push their agenda, rather than a consolidation of power they will find a splitting of the country. And while I believe this should be a last resort, only used when all other defenses have been overrun, I also believe that secession will ultimately save the Union.

When all the so-called “oppressors” leave the sphere of influence of the radical left, the only people they will have left to rule are the so-called “oppressed.” The old divisions will disappear in an instant and with them the source of the radical left’s power.

Only two paths will remain available to the radical left, and I believe both will lead to reunification:

  1. The radical left will be forced to create new divisions within their society which will result no differently than their first attempt, with a breakdown of their unity and mass defections to the seceded states. Ultimately, the United States will regrow out of the divided ones.
  2. The radical left will have to double down on their past divisions and begin a war with the seceded states, a war they will lose because of a lack of determination; the radical left will be fighting out of confusion, fear, and coercion while the seceded states will be fighting for patriotism, honor, and freedom. Ultimately, the United States will be taken back.

Of course, other variables could change this calculation; foreign influence and interference would be among the most worrisome examples as they could change the tides of a war. But this is an optimistic, and I believe still logical, evaluation of the outcomes of secession. It gives me hope to believe that the storm will eventually come to an end and the country could still emerge whole, if a little battered.

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Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
Electric Thoughts

Essayist, poet, screenwriter, and comer upper of weird ideas. My main focus will be on politics and philosophy but when I get bored, I’ll write something else.