My First Political Speech

Asking the Young Democrats at the University of Washington to Endorse Tulsi Gabbard

Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
Electric Thoughts


Photo from Gage Skidmore on Flicker

I’d like to start off by thinking about what we’re here to do. We’re here to choose which Democratic presidential candidate to endorse.

Well, what does endorsing someone mean? It means we express approval and support for that person and their ideas.

Now, I’m here to ask the Young Democrats at the University of Washington to endorse Representative Tulsi Gabbard, to express your approval and support for her and her ideas.

However, I think we can all recognize that there is little chance of Representative Gabbard actually becoming the Democratic nominee for president; unfortunately, she just doesn’t have enough support.

And I’m under no delusions that one small university club can change that, but I’m here asking you to endorse her anyway, and that’s because of what endorsement means.

Regardless of the Democratic nomination, I think it’s important to endorse Representative Gabbard because her ideas are ideas that we should value. Because her vision of the world at the end of this tunnel we’re in is a world that we ought to value.

Because giving our approval and support for her campaign is a choice that sends the…



Tyler Piteo-Tarpy
Electric Thoughts

Essayist, poet, screenwriter, and comer upper of weird ideas. My main focus will be on politics and philosophy but when I get bored, I’ll write something else.