Best Electromaker Community Projects November 2020 Edition

Check out the best maker, tech, DIY, and IoT projects from the Electromaker community in November 2020!

3 min readDec 7, 2020


In addition to our thriving staff blog that’s filled with great content like reviews, editorials, news pieces, and tutorials, we’ve got a fantastic community projects page. Anyone, yes even you dear reader, can (and should!) make an account on Electromaker to leave comments as well as share your recent maker, tech, and DIY builds. Check out the best Electromaker community projects, November 2020 edition!

Person and Face Detection using Intel OpenVINO toolkit

One of the most exciting do-it-yourself arenas is artificial intelligence (AI). With real-world applications such as object detection, there are tons of use cases for AI. This people and facial detection system is Intel OpenVINO toolkit-powered. It’s easy to build, features sample code, and works extremely well. You could use this as a means of creating a DIY home surveillance system.

Automated Beerpong Game — Moving Cups

Are you finding that your beerpong matches have become too easy? Try taking your beerpong game up a notch with an automated beerpong project. Now, you’re not only challenged by attempting to lob a small plastic ball into a Solo cup (Kobe!) but you’ll need to contend with…moving cups? No, you’re not drunk (well, you might be). Powered by an Arduino, this beerpong table automatically moves the cups around for an even greater challenge.

IoT Based Gesture Controlled Robot Using Blynk App

Robotics are extremely fun. And while there are plenty of robot kits available, you could always design your own. This Blynk app-controlled robot boasts gesture-control onboard using an accelerometer. It’s a seriously cool little robotic vehicle that looks as if it could be store-bought.

Getting Started with NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit

best electromaker community projects november 2020 edition - nvidia jetson xavier nx

NVIDIA makes some of the best hardware on the market for both consumers and makers. Its NVIDIA Jetson Nano and Xavier single-boards are excellent for at-home AI applications. If you’ve got an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, this guide will help you get started. From what the Jetson Xavier is to setting up software, adding an SSD, and setting up your first projects, it’s an incredibly detailed getting started tutorial.

World’s Slimmest NeoPixel LED Matrix

Adafruit NeoPixels allow you to incorporate gorgeous LEDs into your maker projects. This 8 x 8 WS2812b NeoPixel LED matrix features a completely flat surface and a 1.67mm height. It’s slim and attractive as well as easy to make. You just need a bit of soldering, a few components, and you’ve got a lovely NeoPidel LED matrix.

Monty — The Maker Faire Measuring Monster

Do you miss maker faires? Yeah, us too. But please keep staying home, staying safe, staying inspired, and wearing your masks! This super cool robot designed by our good friends over at 8BitsAndAByte is designed to travel to maker faires, measure atmospheric information, save the data, and return home.

DIY Wireless Doorbell Using Arduino and RF Module

Wireless Doorbell Using Arduino And Rf Module

While you can buy an off-the-shelf smart doorbell, you can make your own instead! This inventive wireless doorbell is Arduino-powered and incorporates features such as a camera, video recorder, and completely wire-free installation.

Best Electromaker Community Projects — November 2020 Edition

These were our favorite Electromaker community projects uploaded in November 2020. Want to be featured in our December 2020 roundup? Upload your project and share it with us in the comments below for consideration! Have a non-Electromaker DIY project from around the web you’d like to share? Drop a comment below!




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