
Tsaqif Al Bari
Electronic Logbook
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2021


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What is Scrum? Scrum is a framework for a team workflow. It implements Agile principle to its framework, meaning its a highly adaptive workflow and aims for a quick and fast-paced work development while maintaining high quality for the product. Since it’s a framework, there’s no concrete ways of Scrum, but most teams that do implement Scrum have a similarity which we can generalize and form a guideline to follow.

The Players

In a scrum, there are 3 roles, Product owner, Scrum master, and the Scrum Team.

Product Owner are the stakeholders or customers. This role’s job is to set what’s the product requirements and helps development by directing the development from the business point of view.

Scrum Master is a member of the Scrum Team, usually the one with the most experience in Scrum. This role’s job is to keep the Scrum Team in check, to make sure the team still implement Scrum, and also helps relaying messages between Product Owner and the Scrum Team, to make sure both parties are on the same page throughout the development.

Scrum Team is a group of developers. This group’s role job is to develop the product. They are self-organized and strive to keep on improving themselves throughout the development.

The Game

The Scrum starts with Sprint Planning. This is attended by everyone. In this part, a list of product requirements called Product Backlog is given by the Product Owner to the Scrum Team. Both Product Owner and Scrum Team will set a priority for each item in the Product Backlog.

After mapping out priorities for each item, the Scrum Team will decide which items will be worked on in the Sprint. During the sprint, the Scum Team will work on items from the Product Backlog for a period of time, usually ranging from a week to a month. No new adjustment can be made to the Product Backlog during a sprint.

In those sprints, the Scrum Team held a daily meeting between the team called the Daily Scrum. The Daily Scrum is lead by the Scrum Master. It’s a short meeting to discuss how the progress is going between the team.

After a sprint is done, a Sprint Review is held and attended by everyone. In this part, the Scrum Team shows the progress to the Product Owner. The Product Owner will later review the Scrum Team works and gives a feedback to the Scum Team.

After a Sprint Review, the Scrum Team held a Sprint Retrospective. Lead by the Scrum Master, the Scrum Team reflect on their performance and discuss better ways to improve themselves for the next sprint. Next a new Sprint Planning is held for the next sprint and the cycle continues until all the items from the Product Backlog is finished.

That’s how most Scrum works, but staying true to the Agile principles, Scrum is open to changes and adaptation. Teams that implement Scrum may implement their own ways for their Scrum to improve their performances.



Tsaqif Al Bari
Electronic Logbook

Computer Science Student in University of Indonesia. Likes to code and drink chocolate milk.