Grace Dostie
Grace Dostie: Spring 2019
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Spoonfeeding Ourselves Into the Abyss

How important is our phone to us? When downloading a Screen Time app on our phones it will observe the interactions we have throughout the day, and averages per week.

4 hours of my daily time is spent on my phone, which averages to a total of 28 hours and 4 minutes per week. Social networking apps are the most used out of everything: Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. On a weekly average, I spend 3 hours and 45 minutes on Facebook, and 3 hours and 10 minutes on Instagram. Due to my involvement in a group chat with 100 people, and connecting with a friend that is in a different country, I average 562 notifications per day, and that is not including my messenger app. Throughout the day, I average around 1,445 notifications which equal to 206 a day. I total 137 pickups per day, which equals to 960 per week; this can be either to look at my messages, and mostly to change a song from my phone.

My patterns of phone use depend on how much free time I have during the day. The days where I have long class periods and work, I am on my phone less than if I only have one class a day and free time after that.

Over the years our phones have become more and more attached to us, but why? I know that I look at my phone to change music, to get my “daily” info of social networking, and to communicate with people. I believe that I am using my phone way too much daily and that there is no reason to be on it that much. Our society is worried about missing social things and not being in the loop so much that we distract ourselves from the world only to consume ourselves with the media world.

