Before You Die

Godsgrace Nzewi
Published in
Feb 11, 2020

It must happen to everyone. And it won’t take long before it’s your turn… DEATH.

Do what counts before it’s your turn.

And so far you’re doing right what you’re doing, DO IT TILL YOU EXHAUST EVERY GOOD you’re capable of doing.

Endeavour, while you live, to help people with your life:

  • You may need to spend less on dressing, to clothe the poorly dressed;
  • You may need to eat less of what is unnecessary, to feed people who lack the necessary;
  • You may need to forfeit some comfort or convenience, to visit sick people — to say a kind word to them or pray with them or help with their health bills.

And you know it, YOU CAN DO MUCH MORE!

The crux: start and keep doing what counts before you die.

