Life, Mind, Time, Peace

If You Frown, You Die

Here, you will have no face, so you can’t face-frown. But you will have a mind. And your mind can and may frown. But there’s a law we have here that forbids the mind from frowning.

Godsgrace Nzewi


Here, you will have no face, so you can’t face-frown | Photo source: Tyo katu on Unsplash

You just arrived Vexannul. A place where matters of the mind are matters to mind. A place where your vexation gets annulled.

Henceforth, you’re a Vexannulian.

Here, you don’t want to lose peace of mind.

Nothing should make you worry, angry, or sad.

Here, you will have no face, so you can’t face-frown. But you will have a mind. And your mind can and may frown.

A mind that chooses to worry, to be sad, or to be angry is a mind that has chosen to frown.

But there’s a law we have here that forbids the mind from frowning. And be sure: other Vexannulians — with the eyes of their mind — will see your mind if at any time it chooses to frown. And they will sue it when they see it.

If your mind is found guilty as charged, there’s a punishment. The punishment will be that you lose the peace of mind that other Vexannulians enjoy. Then, you will be sick.

When you become sick, there are two options you have. You either painfully die and get cleared out from Vexannul, or you are treated that you recover and stay on in Vexannul.

If you choose to be treated, you’re in for it!

A fellow Vexannulian would query you for your choice to mind-frown; and you must be sincere in your response.

You will tell him why your mind patronized frowning. You must tell him everything!

Based on your response, he will apply a therapy that annuls the vexation disease you suffer from.

In case you earlier refused treatment that you begin to die, but, at some point, sanity visits your mind that you seek what you refused — you will be pitied. Yes… This place is gracious. We love you, and we hate to see you die.

And if the killer sickness induces you to faint after you must have accepted to undergo treatment, you will be hosted in a dreamland where you will spill your guts.

In your dream, you will tell the helping Vexannulian everything about why you went frowning around. And the treatment will proceed.

The Vexannulian treating you will sing vex-annulling songs to the hearing of your mind and every other mind in Vexannul.

Vex-annulling songs will make you feel terrible for being stupid — stupid to have let shit into your mind at the expense of its peace.

No jokes, those songs are not at all wished for. But they must be sung to your hearing and the hearing of every citizen of Vexannul if you were ever going to recover.

The songs will announce to everyone every thought and reason behind your vexation. And for the disgust of the extreme shame the songs cause, some sick Vexannulians will choose to drop the therapy. And the killer sickness will kill them.

Also, the songs cause sorrow. You will be sorrowful for the time you lost after you gained sickness. Cause while you were sick, you could do nothing with time. You were wasteful!; and the songs will fuel your sorrow for being wasteful.

But if you determinedly endure the shame and sorrow, allowing the songs to work their therapeutic effect on you — the final song will come. And when it comes, your sickness goes. You will become vexation-free and happy again. Your journey into fresh Vexannuliness will begin. And this journey will mean cherishing and guarding the peace of your mind and no wasting of time.

In the meantime, be happy… Let your mind wear a smile. You just arrived Vexannul. 😊

