[Quote from A Book (XV)]: “Winning in negotiations does not require someone to lose…”

Godsgrace Nzewi
Published in
Nov 26, 2022
A woman presenting a document to a man while sitting on a couch
Winning means finding out what the other side really wants and showing them a way to get it while you get what you want. | Photo source: RODNAE Productions

“[W]inning in negotiations does not require someone to lose….

“Winning means finding out what the other side really wants and showing them a way to get it while you get what you want.

“And it is possible for both sides to get what they want, because no two people are identical in terms of likes or dislikes. Each of us is trying to satisfy our needs, but those needs, like our fingerprints, are different.”

— Herb Cohen, You Can Negotiate Anything

