You’re Missing the First Element: ‘Pray-tivate’ Them

Godsgrace Nzewi
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2020

As people who care for and about other people, we often find ourselves wanting to motivate others to do what should help them hack life.

But I’m finding it wrong, and a common practice, that many times, we encourage (or advise) people to do things without including that they pray. Wrong.

Yes, ‘pray-tivating’ them should be the first thing we do. The role prayers play is irreplaceable.

With whatever decisions we encourage people to make, or steps we encourage them to take, we should emphasize that they pray first, and that they stay prayerful while they take these actions.

Among many benefits, reliance on God by sincere prayers will kill pride — a stupid attitude in humanness that hampers action and progress. And a sincere dependence on God will attract mercy and divine direction to them when they get confused.

Prayers are to be a constant thing and not just the first thing.

So may we, from now on, FIRST ‘pray-tivate’ anybody we encourage or advise.

And because God ought to be constant in all human activities, may we encourage people to STAY prayerful all through a course of action: from the beginning till the end…from the first thing done till the last thing done. Prayers are to be a constant thing and not just the first thing.

Let them “pray without ceasing”, cause as Jesus said, “[humans] ought ALWAYS to pray” (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 18:1).

