Why Elektra Labs is joining the Civic Alliance

Andy Coravos
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2020
The two-page center spread from Sunday’s New York Times, featuring more than 70 Civic Alliance member company CEOs who’ve made strong commitments to be “100% In for democracy.”

Elektra Labs has joined the Civic Alliance. I’ll share more about what this means for our team, but first, a personal story.

I was catching up with my sister, who has serve as a poll worker in Detroit. I learned that the US is facing a record shortage of poll workers this year because:

  • most poll workers are >60 years old
  • fewer of them are signing up due to the risk of contracting COVID

This means that younger folks will need to step in and volunteer to ensure a safe, healthy, and trusted election this fall. So, I’ve chosen to serve as a poll worker on November 3rd (and you can too).

I’ve also been thinking about ways at our company can support a future where everyone is engaged in civics, starting with voting in every election.

I believe that strength of a country lies in its people, each with the power and the potential to shape the future of that country. One of our values at Elektra is the ‘obligation to speak up’; we can this embody this value by creating opportunities for our teammates to ‘speak up’ and achieve the promise of participation.

As a member of this nonpartisan alliance, we will:

  • Encourage our American audiences to participate in elections
  • Empower our U.S. employees to vote and be civically active
  • Champion civic engagement opportunities in our U.S. communities

Our company has benefited from Americans’ support. Today we stand committed to supporting all Americans as they shape our nation’s future.

Although this nonpartisan alliance focuses on American audiences, our teammates at Elektra are distributed across the globe. As a result, we have instituted a “Voting Time Off” Policy at Elektra, which gives up to 8 hours off per year to every team member to vote on a county, state, and/or federal level.

Here’s to safe, healthy, and trusted elections.

Thank you to our advisor Julia Austin for flagging this opportunity.



Andy Coravos

CEO @ HumanFirst. Former US FDA. Decentralized clinical research. Curious about biotechs + psychedelic compounds. BoD @ VisionSpring. The party is now