Element Finance: Road to Ethereum Mainnet

Will Villanueva
DELV (Formerly Element Finance)
1 min readApr 26, 2021

Our team has been working hard to get to Ethereum Mainnet. We are excited to share that progress has been strong. Our UI is in the final stages and our smart contract audits wrapped up last week.

The following breakdown gives explicit dates and timelines for the next few weeks along with our projected Mainnet launch date.

Before April 30th:

  • Security Audit Reports: Element has completed formal smart contract audits with both Runtime Verification and PeckShield in addition to review by integrating protocols.
  • Open Sourcing Our Code: The Element Protocol smart contracts will be public and open source this week.
  • Bug Bounty Program: We will be releasing a continuous bug bounty program for the Element Protocol core contracts.

May 7th:

  • Public Testnet Release (Goerli)

May 21st:

  • Ethereum Mainnet Release

Get Involved!

To stay up-to-date on our progress and get involved, follow our socials and join us on Discord!

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