Loki Updates for June

A few visual changes and quality of life improvements

Daniel Foré
2 min readJul 1, 2017


System Settings

The “About” page in system settings features a new design. OEMs can now show their information here, including their logo, the hardware’s model name, and a link to their website. More information at this link.

About gets a new look

User Accounts settings now supplies more comprehensive feedback about weak passwords, including warnings about palindromes, dictionary checks, etc.

More comprehensive warnings about weak passwords

Desktop settings now renders wallpaper thumbnails at higher resolution on HiDPI displays.


The Date & Time indicator got a new look, but it also functions better with the Large Text accessibility setting and it responds immediately to settings changes for things like timezone switches.

Date & Time indicator has a new look

You can now middle click on the session indicator to jump straight to the shutdown dialog.

And more!

In addition to the updates mentioned above, you can always rely on updated translations, stability and performance fixes, and general code cleaning. Make sure to pop open AppCenter and hit “Update All” to get the latest and greatest.

While you’re at it, be sure to check out some of the new apps that landed in AppCenter this month! We’re now over 20 apps including an excellent BitTorrent client, a handy color picker applet, and a new notes app. Plus, many developers have updated their apps with fixes and new features.

We’d like to say thanks again to everyone who’s bought an app on AppCenter, our supporters on Bountysource and Patreon, and those who’ve purchased a copy of elementary OS or merch from our store. Every contribution helps make all of this possible, and we wouldn’t be here without you! If you’d like to help improve elementary OS, don’t hesitate to Get Involved!

