Juno Updates for November, 2018

It’s not the end of the cycle, it’s just the beginning

Daniel Foré
3 min readNov 30, 2018


If you thought we’d dropped off the face of the planet, you probably missed it: we have moved away from Medium and started publishing on our faster, open source, and privacy-respecting blog at blog.elementary.io. We’ve kept this blog post unlisted here on Medium for posterity, but all recent and future posts as of November, 2019 are exclusively hosted there.

Since the release of elementary OS 5 last month, we’ve been hard at work on the first set of Juno updates. Let’s dive in!


The latest release of Code is out with a number of bug fixes and a couple new tricks. By popular demand, we’ve brought back the “line wrap” setting. Generating symbols for Vala files is now more efficient. We fixed a couple of crashers and — continuing our focus on discoverability and progressive disclosure — there are now new tooltips for tool items that show their associated keyboard shortcuts.

Tooltips now show associated keyboard shortcuts


Thanks to a new contributor, Music has improved sorting in album, list, and column views. Like Code, there are now new tooltips for buttons that have associated shortcuts, and Music now sports a bold orange accent color. Let us know what you think of this style change and if you’d like to see more apps use their own accent!

The bold new orange accent color in Music

System Settings

There are quite a few updates to System Settings on their way in the future. This month, we’ve started out with a small update to the backend of Desktop settings: If you like to manually manage your hidden backgrounds folder, we’ll now scan and load any subdirectories you’ve created there.

Printer settings received a fix to a particularly troublesome issue where printers would be disabled when opening the printer settings plug.

We’ve also improved the window state saving code for System Settings itself to be more efficient with disk access, which should make solid state drives last longer and be faster on older spinning disk drives.

Stats for Nerds

Since the release of Juno:

  • There are now 87 curated apps available for Juno and 117 curated apps total in AppCenter. We know that several developers are still working on porting their apps, so hang tight!
  • Juno has been downloaded over 160,000 times with over 70% of downloads coming from non-Linux operating systems. The country with the most downloads is currently the USA.
  • About 1% of people choose to pay for Juno when downloading with the most common amount being $10, followed closely by $1.

And More

In addition to the updates mentioned above, you can always rely on updated translations, stability and performance fixes, and general code cleaning. Make sure to pop open AppCenter and hit “Update All” to get the latest and greatest.

We’d like to say thanks again to everyone who’s bought an app on AppCenter, our supporters on Bountysource and Patreon, and those who’ve purchased a copy of elementary OS or merch from our store. Every contribution helps make all of this possible, and we wouldn’t be here without you! If you’d like to help improve elementary OS, don’t hesitate to Get Involved!

