TestWorks Conf ’16

Elements authors
Elements blog
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2016

Author: Paul Lai

Our QA Engineer Paul reports about Testworks Conf ’16 he attended in Amsterdam last week.

TestWorks Conf is a two-day conference with emphasize on software testing, primarily focused on open source tools. The conference, hosted in Amsterdam, consisted of a day of hands-on workshops and a day of interactive plenary session that are carried out by software testing professionals from all over.

Learn from the trenches in hands-on workshops, connect with the community and get inspired by the top speakers! Experience inspirational lightning talks, hands-on workshops, war stories, technical use-cases, test deep-dives, live music and so much more… The conference for tech-savvy testers and test-savvy techies.
— testworksconf.com

TestWorks Conf ’16 was probably the most pragmatic conference I have ever attended. The organizers had made all the materials, as well as tools (not just brochures) available to all attendees to revisit the topics mentioned throughout the event.

In line with the information I gathered at the conference, I had my first introduction to the basic mechanics of security testing. One of the opening topics during the conference was entitled “Start Security Testing With The Tools You Already Use!” where attendees were shown how to take advantage of their current automation tools to reinforce their websites on the security front. Some of the examples that were explained during the session were the use of OWASP and ZAP.

After the afternoon progressed, the next session pointed me towards another upcoming tool called Protractor that is starting to gain popularity in the end-to-end testing community. During the conference, the speaker provided some examples of Protractor and demonstrated how it worked seamlessly on AngularJS framework.

The last session was BDD, examples mapping using Serenity. The most intriguing thing about it was how Examples Mapping, if used efficiently, could cut down on the amount documentation and facilitate requirements gathering. During this session, an overview of BDD was given using Serenity using Java.

Also at the conference; the subject of scaling test automation for mobile applications took place with an introduction to Docker. In addition, most of the current trends of testing like exploratory testing & mob testing also made up a part of the conference. Unfortunately there was too much going on for anyone to show up at every talk. Overall, it was a very practical, very hands-on, with lots of new things to discover.

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Originally published at www.elements.nl on October 10, 2016.



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