The Things Network Flevoland

Wouter ten Brink
Elements blog
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2016

The Things Network (TTN) is an open, decentralized and crowd sourced Internet of Things network for long-distance wireless data transfer. The network is free to use and is owned by its community. TTN focuses on a technology called LoRaWAN (Long Range Low Power Wide Area Network), which can transport small amounts of data between devices and systems and consuming only little bit of energy. This makes LoRa ideal for data connectivity for the Internet of Things.

TTN got Amsterdam full coverage in only six weeks time sing crowd sourcing, and now they’re promoting to roll out The Things Network to every city on the world. One of the many other regional communities is TTN Flevoland, a community of IoT enthusiasts in the Dutch province of Flevoland.

Last Tuesday evening April 26th Elements had the pleasure to host the first monthly “TTN Flevo Café” meetup, an informal get-together of IoT buffs from Flevoland.

Recently the foundation Omnia Connexa Flevo was established to act as a formal party when talking to companies, governmental organizations and media. While the foundation does not intent to roll out and own a network itself, its objectives are to promote and stimulate LoRa and similar IoT technologies in Flevoland.

The meetup was setup as an open session, where participants could bring their own devices and software to play arounc with LoRa. Unfortunately The back-end did not work so we could not test if our sent packages actually arrived at the right place. But the chatting with like-minded people and sharing ideas made a great evening anyway!

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Originally published at on April 27, 2016.



Wouter ten Brink
Elements blog

WonderBit co-founder. Tech enthusiast. Lives for thinking up and delivering digital solutions to fix real-world problems.