I Asked a Artificial Intelligence (GPT-3) How to Solve Climate Change

2 min readMay 6, 2022


The development of artificial intelligence (AI) progresses steadily and more and more inspiring results get published. The new artificial intelligence by OpenAI called GPT-3, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3. This is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. I asked a question and provided some input — so the idea was that the AI write an article about how to solve climate change. Enjoy reading!

This was my question as input:

What’s the main driver of climate change and how can we solve it? In this article an artificial intelligence will propose how to solve climate change.

The Answer by the Artificial Intelligence

Climate change is a huge problem that affects everyone. It’s been going on for decades and will continue to happen until we find an answer. Climate change happens because of greenhouse gases, so the main solution would be cutting down these emissions. Artificial intelligence has been thinking about this issue and came up with a few suggestions on how to fix it. It’s not too late to save our planet from climate change but we need to act now before it’s too late.

1. The first suggestion from AI was to ban new petrol and diesel vehicles in 2040.

2. Second, there are companies like Tesla that make electric cars which will help cut down greenhouse gas emissions by running off renewable energy.

3. Third, we can use what’s called the Paris Agreement which set a limit on greenhouse gases in order to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels (although this agreement has not been met).

Okay, nothing new — but still a very astonishing answer.

I am very excited, how the artificial intelligence can help us in the future — if we have a future. But if we start now — there is some hope! So let’s start! 🙌

