Natural cosmetics: 19 best recipes for face lifting masks

Face-lifting masks at home are a great way to get extra care. The effect of some of them is noticeable literally from the first application. Regular use will give a stable result.

19 best recipes for face lifting masks
Photo by the author

Face lift masks at home

What to expect from a face lift mask?

Hydration and nutrition;
Smoothing wrinkles of any depth;
Speed up renewal and regeneration;
The alignment of the contour;
Getting rid of dryness, flaking and flabbiness;
Increased elasticity and tone;

Lifting face masks are aimed at the production of collagen and elastin, which are produced in smaller quantities over the years. The use of masks 1–2 times a week significantly improves the overall condition of the epidermis, starts the renewal process and significantly improves the appearance. Home lifting masks…



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach