3 simple ways to make healthy food even tastier

Proper nutrition prolongs youth, improves the quality and duration of life, eliminates many diseases, gives a beautiful and slender figure, improves appearance, gives strength.

3 simple ways to make healthy food even tastier

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This list can be expanded and deepened almost indefinitely.

Why is it so difficult to switch to proper nutrition and even more difficult to stay on it, to make it a style and norm of life? We will approach this problem from the other side, that we practically do not need willpower in this matter. And you need a healthy curiosity, a positive attitude and a creative approach!

All the food that we are so attached to, and which we find so difficult to refuse in most cases, is ordered by our brain and emotions, not by our body.

As a rule, our wise body always knows what it needs to eat to stay young, healthy and slim.Our brain, on the other hand, heroically resists all attempts to start eating more healthily. Why is this happening?

One of the reasons is that when we switch to proper nutrition, we often fall into the traps of our own mind and long-established stereotypes.



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. https://elenasunshinemagazine.com + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach