7 recipes for dishes with beans: soups, snacks and hot dishes. Healthy Lunch #4

7 recipes for dishes with beans: soups, snacks and hot dishes. Healthy Lunch #4
Photo сpexels.com

Even ordinary beans can become the basis of delicious dishes that you will like. Because it goes well with vegetables and sauces, various spices and herbs. It makes delicious rich soups, hearty salads and snacks.

Let’s also recall the beneficial properties of beans. It contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, which is why it is often called a vegetable analogue of meat. Also, this legume contains B vitamins, copper, zinc and potassium, and a number of other useful elements necessary for our body.

(1) — “As it is shown, the timing of food intake is an external synchronizer and plays a crucial role in obesity and weight loss treatment.”

Proper diet

The following indicators determine the diet:

power multiplicity;
intervals between meals;
meal time;
calorie distribution by meal.

Proper nutrition ensures the effective functioning of the digestive system, normal absorption of food, and optimal metabolism. You need to eat so much that you don’t feel hungry. Overeating leads to the development of obesity and related diseases, the risk of which increases with a disorderly diet and a dry diet.



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. https://elenasunshinemagazine.com + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach