Eco-style in the interior of the house characteristic features and design features

Eco-style in the interior of the house characteristic features and design features
Photo from pixabay

Eco-style in the modern interior of a house or apartment will help to create a cozy and comfortable environment. An important plus of eco–style design design is the ability to find a solution for every taste. Eco-style in the interior of the house characteristic features and design features.
The key principle of eco-style is to use real natural materials to create an interior. You can use paper wallpaper, bamboo branches, ceramics and natural textiles. The advantages should be given to environmentally friendly materials.

In housing, eco-style allows you to create a comfortable and calm environment, which is so lacking in our active life.

(1) — “Clear and abundant evidence demonstrates that interaction with nature affects not only well-being but health throughout life. The evidence suggests that people, who as children strongly interact with ecosystems and environment, live longer with a better quality of life. This “therapy” tends to make them more active, connected to people and society, engaged with natural places and eat healthier foods. These interactions, even as an adult, often result in lower blood C-reactive proteins and cortisol levels. As a result, children and adults who interact with nature and natural settings tend to be members of groups and



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

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