How plants in the interior of the house affect our mood

How plants in the interior of the house affect our mood

Indoor plants decorate the space of the house and give positive emotions. Indoor plants can relieve stress and cheer up, and taking care of them can distract from unpleasant thoughts.

The presence of indoor plants is also associated with creative thinking. In addition, they purify the air, saturating it with oxygen and moisture, which is good for health.

You can choose a plant with healing properties, provide it with full-fledged care and sometimes contact it: be near, touch the leaves.

What is the difference between medicinal plants?

Some of them secrete aromatic essential oils, which, when they enter the human body, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, and improve mood. Others — intensively saturate the room with oxygen, improving the work of the brain and heart.

Living greenery in the house is always beautiful, but in addition to aesthetics, it is a health benefit. Home plants or office plants help to purify the air, facilitating breathing, and producing additional portions of oxygen. Green plants with rounded leaves or large tree-like representatives are considered ideal indoor options. People usually find smooth, rounded lines more pleasing to the eye. But it is crucial that emotional and physical…



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach