How to live gluten-free and full-fledged replacements for gluten products

How to live gluten-free and full-fledged replacements for gluten products
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Gluten is the gluten of cereals. Even if they are whole grains, even with vitamins, even without (refined products). Almost all cereals contain gluten. Here are grain products that contain gluten: wheat and all its derivatives (including its seedlings), bulgur, rye, couscous,
durum, spelt, semolina, kamut, matzo, barley pearl, barley, plain oatmeal (without the “gluten-free” label).

Gluten is a high-molecular-weight seed storage protein commonly found in grass-related grains, such as wheat, barley, and rye. The natural role of these seed storage proteins is to nourish seeds during flowering and germination, thereby contributing to the successful reproduction of the species. Gluten is a composite protein, composed of glutenin and prolamins, and is also responsible for the ability of wheat to form dough. Hence, gluten is an integral component of an incredible variety of wheat-containing foods, including breads, cereals, and pastas.(1)



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach