The benefits of delicious and savory recipes for health. Healthy Breakfast #48

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With breakfast, the energy of the day is born. Breakfast is the first and most important meal, as it starts the day.

Healthy breakfasts set you up for a great morning: breakfasts tend to have more protein and less sugar. Therefore, they stimulate muscle growth and energy expenditure without raising blood sugar levels. Skipping the first meal of the day is associated with weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Your body is most sensitive to insulin at the beginning of the day, so you are best able to digest the food you eat at this time.

(1) — “Try these 4 tips for creating your own energy-boosting breakfast:

Choose whole grains. High-fiber, whole-grain cereals and breads can help keep your blood sugar on an even keel and avoid a mid-morning energy crash. With the hundreds of types of cereal on the market, bran cereal, bran flakes, and steel-cut oatmeal are typically the healthiest bets. To choose the healthiest breakfast cereal, read the label and look for:
5 grams or more of fiber per serving
less than 300 milligrams of sodium per serving
less than 5 grams of sugar per serving
whole grain as the first item on the ingredient list
Include protein. Yogurt is a good choice; Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt. Eggs (up to one a day)



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach