Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018


Global Factory 365 is a B2B project that specializes in supporting Strategic Sourcing and OEM/Tier Sourcing. The main motto of this business is to facilitate B2B requirements in the business space where it connects Buyers with qualified, verified and trusted suppliers and aims for ‘procurement without borders’.


The project had come to its initial discussion during September 2014 when the founder of the venture Mr. G.S Dang and team had an idea of taking their BACK-END:

offline OEM/Tier sourcing related business to the next level. They had a plan of setting up an Online Platform to connect qualified Suppliers to their potential Buyers ensuring quality high level, cost to low level and best deliveries (QCD).


The requirement of the Project was to set up a B2B Website with the following specifications:

  • Easy to use UI for both Buyers and Suppliers where they can register, submit RFQs etc.
  • An Admin Dashboard for managing Suppliers, Buyers, RFQs etc.
  • Search functionality for Buyers and Suppliers.
  • Easy to modify the content of the website with basic knowledge of using any Online system.
  • To establish an online brand identity.

During the early days of the venture, the primary focus of the client was on setting up an Online Platform to kick-start their project in minimal time and efficiency. So instead of having a costly dedicated, in-house setup, they decided to go for an agency with the expertise in the field of Web Designing and Branding.


As soon as we got the project, our primary focus was on two major aspects,

A Responsive Online Platform, Identity Design and Branding

According to us, these two aspects would help the client jump-start in the online presence, as well as in the online and print marketing. Moreover, based on these two, future planning for scalability and expansion can also be done.


As the primary requirement of the client was to set up an online platform ASAP with an easy to use system and ability to perform minor customization without any technical proficiency,

Our technical team came up with the idea of building a system in Joomla!, a powerful CMS, and developing customized Components, Plugins and Modules based on the requirements.

This ensured the scalability of the system as required along with the ease of use for both a normal user and the administrator.

Following are the platforms/technologies that we used:

HTML/CSS, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, Joomla! CMS



Our design team worked in parallel with the client on the UI / UX of the website, keeping in mind the goal of the project, target audience, and other relevant specifics including existing positive and negative examples.

We have also developed two explainer videos to explain the overall concept of the Project, below are the links for the same:

Global Factory 365 Buyer Story

Global Factory 365 Seller Story


Within two months, the client had an up and running website with all the initial requirements:

Currently, the system has more than 400 registered suppliers and is increasing every day. A lot of public and private RFQs are also getting submitted.

This system is now maintained by the dedicated technical team at Global business services and is evolving continuously.




Web Design | Web Development | Animation | Explainer Video | Apps | Print