Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2018


ScoreMonster is a sports management software created, owned and operated by Da Vinci Software. It is an online service that facilitates management of teams, leagues, content etc and aims to make statistics and league interactions easy and efficient for all levels of athletes, coaches and fans.


The ScoreMonster project had come to its initial discussion during May 2015 when the company was planning to redesign the ScoreMonster user interface. The older design of the project was not as per the latest industry standards and the user experience was also not up to the mark. Mr. Steve Loos, founder and President of Da Vinci Software was looking for an agency that can make their website to look more like a sports management website and not just like any other management platform to attract maximum audience involved in sports activities.


The requirement of the Project was to redesign the ScoreMonster with the following features

  • Easy to use UI.
  • Create Look and Feel of a sports management website.
  • Responsive Design
  • Scalable for future enhancements.
  • Optimized and structured front-end code.
  • Provision for theme customization.

As the primary use of this software is for players, coaches etc. The main objective of redesigning was to create look and feel of a sports management website so that the target audience could enjoy the tool while using it.


Based on the requirements of the client, we redesigned the ScoreMonster website. Following are the technical details:

HTML,LESS CSS, jQuery and other JavaScript Libraries

We have used Less CSS in order to provide easy theme customization. All they need to do is to provide different values for less variables and compile them to create new themes without changing much of the existing code. This also helped in creating structured and optimized code.


Up and running website with all the initial requirements:

Currently, the system has more than 400 registered teams, players and are increasing every day.

As the Project is developed using agile methodology, our team is continuously working on implementing new features and functionalities based on the requirements of the client.




Web Design | Web Development | Animation | Explainer Video | Apps | Print