4 Ways to Lose Interest in Life: Brace up to Face up

Elizabeth Keshishyan
Daily Life with Elizabeth
6 min readSep 2, 2019

How many times did you lose interest in life? How often did you get disappointed? How often did the colors of life fade and leave you in a total blur?

Thousands of times. if not more! The number works for me well.

This is not going to be a pathetic article telling you about how miserable I feel, but I’m going to uncover the reasons that draws us to these traps. Been there, done that.

My aim is to provide important takeaways in order for us to be self-conscious and have control over our lives, as well as avoid experiencing deep misfortunes in life.

Let us start.

4 ways to lose interest in life: brace up to face up

1. Little exposure to public

Have you ever noticed, that the more you are in public, the more you want to feel beautiful both internally and externally?

Frequent exposure to public helps you analyze people’s behavior continuously, draw conclusions and improve some things within you. People, even though stranger, can help you feel humane and alive. Not only they affect your behavior, but also you get distracted from your routine problems and get into other circles when around people.

That is why whenever you lessen your exposure to public, you become socially degraded and the colors of your life start fading since all the colors you have are the ones you see around you repeatedly day by day.


  • Go out often, either with friends, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, even alone. Go and have a cup of coffee in a crowded coffee shop.
  • Attend various events that correspond to your interests or positively impact your career.
  • Establish new connections, quality connections. Record their contacts and stay in touch.
  • Read books on how to communicate with people and how to speak everyone’s language.
Get exposed to public

2. Doing what you don’t enjoy

Doing something for experience is great. Doing something for money is fine too. However, doing something that you don’t enjoy for a period of longer than 3 months will degrade you and will ultimately make you lose your interest in life.

You will start feeling continuous fatigue, unhappiness, resistance getting up from bed, showing bad results and not creating a value. You will become a machine that wastes the 50% of their daily life doing something they do not enjoy. 50%? Half of your life? You hate your job at the office, then you spend the other 50% thinking how much you actually hate it.

Said many times, applied far less. Your time and happiness weight way more than the salary you get.

Life is an ocean of endless opportunities. Go get that 3-month non-paid internship, learn what you are interested in and that’s it, get the job you truly like.

Life is too short to be concerned about money only. Do what you love and it will pay off both aesthetically and financially.

Lately I was reading a book, “Never eat alone” by Keith Ferrazzi and here’s what he suggests us doing:

  1. Take a piece of paper and split it into 3 columns. In the first column write down all the things you WANT from your work: a lot of movement, flextime schedule, more human interaction, ability to travel, etc. Write everything down in that column.
  2. In second column, put together every component of the first column and understand which existing or non-existing position corresponds to all of the mentioned factors. Afterward, do some research on what qualifications you need for that position: license, degree, online courses?
  3. Finally, go to the third column and open your contact book. Start estimating who are the key players that would help you get the job. If these people are not in your contact list, then strategize on where you can meet them and actually add them to you contact list. Then ask them for help.

That’s it. Get a hand on it.

Enjoy what you do

3. Losing interest in your personal self

I know, personal self sounds creepy but it is the exact thing I had in mind. You are the protagonist of your life. If you lose interest in your own self, then you will lose interest in your life, too.

You need to fall in love with your own self over and over again. If at one point you stop doing this, you will degrade the key player of your life game. You need to keep the player in shape — always up and running.

Some quick tips to avoid losing interest in your own self:

  • Get a sense of style and experiment with your clothes, but don’t get hooked by all the fashion nuances. It will complicate things.
  • Work out: go to the gym where you can be around people or workout outdoors where you can meet other like-minded people.
  • Develop healthy habits: drink water in the morning, during the day and in the evenings, make healthy food choices, avoid binge-eating, binge-drinking, sleeping less or late (if your work allows) and more. Find the lifestyle habits that matches you the best and rock it.

If you have more tips, please, share in comment. I would like to learn more.

Love yourself first

4. Remaining at the same place for a long time

This really depends on the person, however, adding no fresh blood to your daily routine will make you lose interest in life.

What happened to me was the following: I would get up everyday at the same time, have the same morning routine, take the same bus, go to the same office, and be exposed to the same reality over and over again.

I was so done with this.

I started looking for new places where I could work from (I have a flextime and remote job). Some tips include cafes, libraries, other corners in your office, new corner at your place, anti-cafes and even bus:) Once I bought a bus round ticket and finished my work on the wheels.

Be creative. If you have an option of changing your location on a country scale, then jump on it. For example, if you have a relative in another country, visit them, explore the country, explore the culture and do your job (if remote or flextime) from a totally new place. This will help you shed new light on the same routine things.

Move, you’re not a tree

Why I decided to share this, is because becoming miserable in life is very dangerous. Once you fall into this trap, it is hard to get back on the right track.

I cordially want you to be weary of this and organize your life wiser to leverage it to your benefit.

I want to hear from you.

Have you ever had moments of deep disappointment? What were your reasons?

