Dealing with Life when Times are Tough

Elizabeth Keshishyan
Daily Life with Elizabeth
3 min readSep 2, 2019

-What does it mean “tough times”?

-It is when your life is crumbling apart, there’s no hope for you, no spark of light enters your life, and you feel devastated.

-No, there’s more!

There are some times when life is tougher: you have everything, then another thing comes out of blue and wants to become your whole thing. Afterwards, as a chain reaction, your life becomes flavored with an ocean of unpleasant and tense experiences, with people who bring you down, with events that push you toward the wall, and with YOU hoping to hide under your bed and wake up when September ends.

I know, it sounds too complicated but that’s the case when we need to make decisions that are destined to change the path of our lives with no way back.

Nobody ever said that life is easy and nobody ever said that we can escape those tough times. However, there are some tips to deal with life when everything seems like getting out of control.

1. Put your emotions aside

Put your emotions aside

Emotions are good to be released but they destruct us from making wise decisions. They help us suffer and feel ever more miserable. On the other hand, they make us have the utmost optimistic life-views, put our pink-tilted glasses on, and go toward the deepest disappointment. Fix me if I’m wrong.

Next time you’re trying to deal with life at your worst, make sure to have sober mind and avoid spontaneous decisions.

2. Do not seek for advice

Do not seek for advice

You can talk about your hardships but never seek for advice from others. Remember, they are not in your shoes and they are biased to give responses that would make you feel better, which, however, are not always the correct ones.

On the other hand, some persons would give you some advice that favors them and not you. (I will keep this space open for you to think why)

3. Do cost/benefit analysis

Do cost/benefit analysis

Cost/benefit analysis is not always about financials. It often refers to the advantages and disadvantages of the event where you should weight them out and make a decision which benefits you the most.

Take a piece of paper and write down both material and emotional pluses and minuses of the incidence; learn to analyze your life events, consider the factors that matter to you the most and decide how to proceed.

4. Trust your guts

Trust your guts

This sounds confusing having read the previous tip, however, trust your instincts as well. An educated guess is what most of the success stories are based on. Do your analysis with a sober mind and ask your inner self what s/he thinks.

5. Love & enjoy yourself

Love & enjoy yourself

Doesn’t matter what you are going through or what decisions you face, never forget to put yourself first. Get to know your true self and embrace who you are because you are beautiful. External peripheral conditions never define who you are because you are unique. Therefore, know yourself, shape your values, put priorities, and stay true to those. At the end of the day you will have a guide-book for any situation of your life.

What are your special tips to deal with life during tough times?

