5 Tips on How To Deal with an Angry Girlfriend

How might we turn a crisis into opportunity?

Julia Tsoi
Elephant In Hat


Photo by Andre Tan on Unsplash

Let’s admit that your angry girlfriend is the most terrifying monster in the world. They scream. They blame. They use their finger pointing to you, treating you like trash on the floor. And you can only sit alone in a corner and pray for things to end magically.

But at the end of the day, you still love her. So instead of walking away from the room, you need to find a way to handle this situation.

How should we handle an angry girlfriend?

And what if there are ways we can ride on risk, and improve the romantic relationship?

As a woman for more than 27 years, I concluded there are 5 tips that you may apply. This could be useful when your girlfriend is mad at you, sad about something you did, and even want to kill you straight away.

#1 — Let her finish first

The very first tip is you need to let her finish her words. A woman needs to let all her emotions out by speaking, screaming, crying. Never rush to comfort her at first — we would not appreciate that.



Julia Tsoi
Elephant In Hat

Design Strategist @ Ogilvy | Apple Developer Academy Alumni. Bird without legs and I would always fly high. https://juliatsoi.com/