5 Tips To Get Someone Reply Your Urgent Email

The winning recipe to get what you want

Julia Tsoi
Elephant In Hat


Photo by Webaroo on Unsplash

The story begins like this.

You send an email to request a document. You wait for a few days but no reply yet. You start getting worried and nervous as it will delay other tasks.

You get panic and start googling — how to chase email reply politely.

And these are what you found:

Hi John,

I guess you are so busy, so you miss my previous email. Can you reply to me ASAP???


Hi Steven,

I am so sorry that I still haven’t heard back from you. May I know the progress of the documents that I urgently need? This document is critical, and we could not proceed with our next steps without it. We really need this document asap so we won’t miss the deadline. The team really needs it. Please help us.

I am sorry for causing any inconvenience, and please do share it at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!


We all have been there. And I know how much pain to write this kind of email. We can’t be too pushy, but at the same time, we want to get the things we need.



Julia Tsoi
Elephant In Hat

Design Strategist @ Ogilvy | Apple Developer Academy Alumni. Bird without legs and I would always fly high. https://juliatsoi.com/