Should you do your App idea now?

Omer Rana
Elephant Media Network
2 min readJan 21, 2018

Every day we wake up and think about the day ahead. What challenges and opportunities lay ahead; and what are we going to do about them?

The end of the day we take stock, did I hit my goals of the day? Whether we do this consciously as a question or in the form of treating yourself, we all do it.

For some, this means at the end of the day, thinking about where we are in life and where we want to be long term. That burning idea in your mind alight with the future potential of your app, begging the question each day.

Should I make my app?

The answer, sadly isn’t a magic bullet. It isn’t a one word answer. It isn’t the quick win that will make you feel better.

The reality is much more boring and the reason why many do not take that step. You need to research your idea.

I get pitched ideas the minute people hear I am in tech with a successful company. Inevitably, my answer revolves around the same 7 points:

  1. Is this idea related to something you do as your full time job and therefore have practical real world experience in? For example, a taxi driver and have the idea for Uber.
  2. Have you made a plan on how you will make money and how risky is that plan?
  3. No really, do you have a plan on how you will monetise the app?
  4. Have your written down exactly how your app will work? What each button will do, how each user will start and end their journey with you?
  5. Do you know how much this will cost to design and make? (if you haven’t answered number 4 you can’t possibly know the cost).
  6. Did you talk to at-least 3 companies about building the app ?
  7. Did you make a proper budget for marketing and asign a cost per indvidual user acquisiton?

Let me know if there are any points you feel need to be on the list:

Omer A. Rana


