2 Ways to Feel more Gratitude & Appreciation Each Day.

Life is beautiful and it can also feel challenging sometimes.

And even when it feels challenging in certain ways, we can experience moments of beauty, goodness, and lightness.

We have good-feeling days when we wake up feeling refreshed and wonderful and where everything feels like it’s flowing just the way we like, and we have days when we’re tired and out of it or when it seems like nothing is going the way we want it to.

Throughout all of the fluxes of life, we always have an opportunity to turn inward, to tune into ourselves, to settle into the space where we are. Simply being present with ourselves and connected to our hearts can bring us lightness and peace. We can find centering and rooting deep within ourselves. Yes, we may still feel a range of emotions, but we can be there with ourselves through all of it.

We can also open ourselves to feeling more gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation each day.

Here are two ways to feel more gratitude and appreciation each day:

1. Notice when you are appreciating something in the moment.

Maybe it’s the taste of a good meal or breathing in fresh air. Maybe it’s feeling…



Elephant Journal
I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a Good Person.

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.