4 Actions to Improve our Self-Worth Right Away.
Why is it so hard to feel good about myself?
I’ve thought about this question many times over the years.
The struggle to love myself as I am is real. I tend to focus on my weaknesses rather than strengths. I notice my flaws but rarely celebrate my good traits. When I succeed, I think I can do better, and if I fail, I hardly get over it.
We’ve all been there. We all know how it feels to be stuck in an endless loop of self-doubt. It may have started at home where we haven’t experienced unconditional love and trust. Maybe the relationships we’ve entered have tarnished our self-confidence.
Sometimes I think it doesn’t matter where it starts; what matters is how and where it ends.
The path to self-esteem is rocky and unpredictable, and I choose it nonetheless. However, changing how we feel about ourselves doesn’t come easy for many of us.
In order to improve our self-worth, we need to create good habits and take actions that can help us to evaluate ourselves positively. Our self-image may still fluctuate several times a day, but it’s okay. We should stay committed to improving our lives and relationships.