5 Quotes that will Lighten Your Heart.


It’s important for us to be present with ourselves, to connect deeply with ourselves.

It’s important to be true to ourselves and our hearts and move with what is true for us.

It’s important to cultivate self-awareness and presence.

With self-awareness, we can live our lives with intention and purpose. We can live our lives in the ways that are right for us.

Life feels better when we live in alignment with our hearts and our truths and with who we really are. When we’re true to ourselves, we honor ourselves.

We can experience the waves of life with awareness, presence, and lightness. Even more difficult moments can be held lightly — we can hold ourselves with lightness through them, through presence and awareness.

We can hold space for all of life — the good, the hard, the painful, the beautiful. We can watch, learn from, and experience it all. We can hold our own experiences and open our hearts to the world. We can move through our moments honoring ourselves and each other and the moment.

We can be present where we are, appreciate what we have, allow the moment to be what it is, and work toward what we want to see for ourselves and the world.



Elephant Journal
I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a Good Person.

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.