How Fear can Help us Reconnect with our Vulnerable Side.
I’ve always been afraid of showing my deepest emotions.
The fear of being rejected or shamed has followed me like a shadow. And so, I take responsibility for all the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that have crowned some of my friendships and relationships.
I don’t think vulnerability is innate. Unless we’re in a dangerous situation that threatens our survival, vulnerability doesn’t come easy. The truth is we acquire vulnerability. We watch the primary caregivers in our environment and learn from them how to process emotions.
To this day, I’m still learning how to let my guard down. I’m still figuring out how to be vulnerable and be okay with the consequences, even when I’m afraid. I’m slowly accepting the discomfort of showing my rough edges.
Today I had a vulnerable moment with my father. When I shared with him how I felt about his presence in my life, there was a moment when I felt like sharing more. I could feel my lips sealing and my heart beating faster. I wanted to say a few more words, but I was afraid. I was terrified. My words would put me in a risky position, and I wasn’t willing to take that risk.
Then something surprisingly shifted within me. I consciously chose to pour my heart out. We…