This Dalai Lama Quote about Happiness is what we all Need to Read Today.

Author’s own

What is happiness?

At some point in our lives, we’ve all ruminated on that question.

Every single person on this earth seeks to understand the meaning of happiness and how to pursue it. We might not openly chase it, but one way or another, almost everything we do implies that we want it.

We travel to the other side of the world hoping to find happiness within a new culture. Relationships are said to bring utter joy, so we forever search for it within the arms of another person. We leave jobs because they no longer bring us peace, and quit friendships that disappoint us.

We buy new things since the old ones no longer make us smile. We change homes and welcome new neighbors who might fill the silence in our living room. We upgrade phones and purchase new cars to replace previous ones and get us one step closer to happiness.

Bottom line is: most of us would do anything for happiness.

However, are we doing it right? Are we looking for it in the appropriate places?

Six years ago, when I was on a visit to Kopan monastery in Nepal, I read the following words by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on a wooden board:



Elephant Journal
I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a Good Person.

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.