Twenty Quotes to Give you Chills.

Too often, in this social media-happy, twitter-drowning, sound-byte-bit world of ours, we use quotes like a dopamine hit: to make us feel just slightly better, but not to go deeper, to slow down, to breathe deeply. Too often, we use quotes to enable our stress and haste.

But some quotes stop us in our tracks.

​Some quotes, however brief, do slow us down or…so rare in this age of Opinion…give us pause, and inspire us to change our minds, if only a little bit.

Here’s 20:

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when we look back everything is different.” ~ C.S. Lewis

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ~ Mister Fred Rogers

“If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.” ~ carved on the walls of a concentration camp cell during WWII by a Jewish prisoner.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” ~ Patrick Rothfuss



Elephant Journal
I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a Good Person.

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.