What Makes Elepig Different?

Mark Williams


There are so many exchanges out there and new ones popping up all the time. So, why would anyone want to start up a new crypto exchange in this growing saturated market? What is your USP? What is your differentiator? We are asked this all the time at Elepig and I sometimes ask myself the same question just to make sure that I am not on some fanciful dream of changing the crypto world.

So why are we different? There are a number of reasons and if you read out a list to people they say AND? SO I thought that I would explain in more detail why Elepig is different, how we are going to revolutionise the crypto exchange market with just some simple steps. Our outline differentiators are:

  1. Security
  2. Simple and Easy to Use
  3. Embrace the Community
  4. Customer Service Excellence
  5. Proven Team Excellence


Many crypto exchanges have been hacked and many more will be in the future, many struggle with securing their exchange and they shouldn’t. At Elepig we are different, we can’t say that we will never be hacked but we will put every effort in to make sure that your investments are safe and secure.

Our Team have 80+ years experience within the defence industry building secure systems. We will take that knowledge and use it to build a secure exchange. We will do simple things that some exchanges have neglected to implement such as:

  1. 2 Factor Authentication
  2. Not leaving a high proportion of funds in hot or warm wallets

We have a 10 layer security model for the warm and cold storage of YOUR investments that we will design and develop within our exchange amongst other measure that we have up our sleeve:

  1. Layer 1 — macro secure physical instracture (access controlled building)
  2. Layer 2 — meso (middle) secure physical instracture (access controlled room)
  3. Layer 3 — micro secure physical instracture (pin code controlled vault)
  4. Layer 4 — hard wallet (pin code controlled offline device)
  5. Layer 5 — device identity authentication via device attributes (unique to . Elepig, warm storage only)
  6. Layer 6 — multisignature (multisig) funds release model
  7. Layer 7 — immediate trigger of automated reporting, threshold and misuse . flags and notifications
  8. Layer 8 — intra-day transaction auditing
  9. Layer 9 — regular randomised internal auditing
  10. Layer 10 — regular randomised external/impartial auditing and open market reports

Simple and Easy to Use

When we first decided that an exchange would be a good idea, we researched nearly 112 other exchanges that where on the market at that time and the main thing that stood out with most of them were how complicated they were to use. Most exchanges will declare that they are simple to use, but most crypto exchanges are built on traditional Forex platforms which are complicated and scare the average user off with excessive functionality and dark colours.

Elepig is different we are building our exchange with the community’s help. We are working through our UX designs with two user groups of differing levels of crypto users, we listen to their ideas and then complete another iteration of the designs. This method is a typical Agile User Centric Design methodology, it works extremely well as you can iterate the designs and the development of the functionality and user experience, it gives us a greater chance to get it right for our customers!

The crypto market is changing and we are moving from the early adopters to the mass adoption, that is why we are aiming our platform at the retail customer. The retail customer hasn't got the time on their hands to spend hours watching YouTube tutorials on how to use an exchange so we are building Elepig to be a frictionless as possible for them:

  1. Reduce the number of mouse clicks;
  2. Reduce the amount of navigation required;
  3. Use exciting, fresh colours that will make a customer want to use the platform;
  4. Use simple non technical terminology wherever possible;
  5. Utilise tool tips and on screen user tips and guidance so users do not have to navigate elsewhere.
Community is the heart of Elepig

Embrace the Community

Most of the exchanges out there currently do not embrace or nurture their communities. If something goes wrong with a transaction or hack, generally the customers are the last to find out.

Elepig is taking a different approach that can be visibly seen on our social media channels. We are embracing our community, we are transparent and honest with the Elepig community. The community is what will make or break us, they are our heart and what makes us function.

Through the build up to ICO we have nurtured and grown an active community, with a large number of them helping out free of charge, they are doing this for the love of the project. We couldn’t ask for more from our community and they love the fact that from the Co-Founders down we are all very active on the various channels, answering their questions and just saying, HELLO!

Customer Service Excellence

This has to be front and centre in everything that we do. If there is a problem with the exchange let the community know that there is, they will thank you more for being open and honest with them from the start than trying to hide it. We intend to invest a good proportion of our funds into customer service, and customer service that can scale. We as a team have many years experience in successfully delivering customer service systems to defence, finance and retail customers.

Proven Team Excellence

We as a team have successfully managed, delivered and designed multiple 20million+ projects over the last 10–20 yrs in multiple sectors. We specialise in building secure defence systems utilising cutting edge security. Many of the team have started and ran multiple successful startups, some of which are still been run by ourselves or have been sold on.

The Elepig team has carefully selected our Advisors not just for the ICO but for the longevity of Elepig. We have a blockchain/ICO advisor, HR advisor, 3 x Fintech advisors, PR and events advisor etc etc etc.

We have a great developer team helping us as well with experts in blockchain, UX, Middleware, Security, designers and we have an offshore team to bolster the team.

We are different

I hope that you can see that we are not just a bunch of bedroom devs that want to jump on the blockchain bandwagon. We are a team with strength in depth and experience to take this project through ICO and beyond the first release of the Elepig exchange. So why don’t you start following us on our social media channels and then invest in the exchange that will revolutionise the crypto/blockchain space. We are ELEPIG and We are DIFFERENT!



Mark Williams
Editor for

Co-founder of Elepig.com, a new crypto exchange that is going to disrupt the market with its simple UX and super secure platform.