Gophish: Free Open-source Phishing Framework

Kaiwalya Koparkar
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2024

In today’s digital landscape, phishing attacks pose a significant threat to organizations of all sizes. These malicious attempts to obtain sensitive information can lead to severe financial and reputational damage.

To combat this, Gophish, a powerful open-source phishing framework, offers a comprehensive solution to test and improve your organization’s resilience against phishing attacks. With Gophish, you can easily launch phishing campaigns, track results in real-time, and enhance your overall security posture.

Company Exposure to Phishing

Phishing attacks exploit the weakest link in the security chain: human error. Employees may inadvertently click on malicious links or provide sensitive information, exposing the organization to risks.

Gophish helps you assess your company’s exposure to phishing by simulating real-world attacks. By identifying vulnerabilities, you can implement targeted training and improve your defenses.

Email Templates & Landing Pages

Gophish simplifies the creation and customization of phishing email templates and landing pages.

The web UI includes a full HTML editor, allowing you to craft pixel-perfect templates directly in your browser. You can also import existing emails and landing pages in one click, making it easy to replicate common phishing scenarios.

Customizing emails to mimic legitimate communication enhances the realism of your campaigns and helps in identifying potential weaknesses.

Sending Profiles

Setting up sending profiles in Gophish is straightforward. Sending profiles allow you to configure the email servers used to send phishing emails. By mimicking different email addresses and domains, you can test how your email filters and security measures respond to various phishing attempts.

This step is crucial in understanding the effectiveness of your current email security protocols.

Users & Groups

Gophish enables you to manage users and groups efficiently. You can import user lists or manually add recipients to your campaigns. Grouping users based on departments, roles, or risk levels allows for targeted phishing tests.

This segmentation helps in identifying specific areas within your organization that may require additional training or security measures.

Campaigns & Analytics

Launching a campaign with Gophish is a seamless process. Once your templates and targets are set, you can initiate the campaign and let Gophish handle the rest. Phishing emails are sent in the background, and you can schedule campaigns to run at optimal times.

Detailed analytics are provided in near real-time, allowing you to track email opens, link clicks, and credential submissions. The ability to export results makes it easy to generate comprehensive reports for further analysis and decision-making.


Gophish is an invaluable tool for any organization looking to bolster its defenses against phishing attacks. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and real-time analytics, Gophish simplifies the process of running phishing simulations.

By identifying vulnerabilities and training employees, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

Embrace Gophish and take a proactive approach to securing your organization’s digital landscape.

Deploy your Gophish instance with Elestio

Originally published at on July 15, 2024.

