Feeling Like An Outsider Is The Worst Feeling

Michelle Castillo
Elevate Yourself
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2020

Is not fun feeling like you’re different or that you don’t belong anywhere…

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Sometimes you find yourself evaluating every single aspect of your life, which could be your family, friends, and relationships. Just sometimes you want to pause time, make everything in your head make sense, and then continue; you feel bad but you don’t know what happens or perhaps what starts this feeling.

Imagine a small box, full of insecurities, thoughts of society, difficult times, and a lot of anxiety. Do you think you can fit inside that box with all those things there? The answer is no.

People like you or me cannot fit in such a small place. Of course, it is a stereotype of society, being equal to everyone and that if we think something different they will always point us out as “the outcast”, am I wrong?

All this leads to a single conclusion, feeling like an outsider. Feeling in the depths of your soul that you do not belong where you are and that you will soon find that perfect place that you can call “home.”

Only that place never appears, and the feeling of being a stranger increases through your body, passing through each vein or muscle. The situation begins to gradually get worse, you no longer know what to do or say to calm this terrible pain in your chest…

Have you ever kept quiet your thoughts out of a fear of being rejected? Or, you just haven’t shown your personality because it’s not okay to be like that? I do; throughout my life, I have felt that I don’t belong to many places or groups of friends.

It hurts, it burns so much in your chest that it is ridiculous to be able to have physical symptoms of your feelings. I’ve dealt with being “weird” or “different” for as long as I can remember; I’m always running away from people and commitments because of it, out of the stupid fear of being judged.

Anxiety acts for me, it has made me believe that I do not belong anywhere or that I am not worth it. And surely you too because if you are reading, I certainly know that at one point in your life you have needed to escape from your home to a place full of peace.

There is only one way for everything to improve, and no, it is not running away in search of people or a place that accepts you for who you really are. The only way to calm that burning in your chest is to accept yourself, to know that you are different from everyone else and it is not a bad thing.

I lied when I said that there is only one way to solve it, for everything in life there are two paths, the easy one or the difficult one. The easy way as you can imagine is simple, you just have to hate every thought that makes you be you and fit in with the stereotypes that society provides; Easy right? Choose the solution to die internally…

And then there’s the hard one, fighting everything that doesn’t make you happy (that includes the labels people want to put on others). It is necessary to distance yourself from those who believe that their opinions help you when in reality they only destroy you.

Being different or special is not fun, we are the target of jokes or criticism for just expressing what we carry inside. Stay strong, life is a roller coaster… I know that when you fall it hurts but it’s worth trying one more time; our lifetime on earth is limited, it is up to you whether you enjoy it to the fullest or not…

By Mica



Michelle Castillo
Elevate Yourself

Passionate about fashion, lifestyle and always questioning life