Forget Self Help: Do This Instead

Will Fulton
Elevate Yourself
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2 min readMay 21, 2020

We’ve come along way with self help. Social media and technology has changed the way we’re bettering ourselves. Everyday we’re bombarded with people telling us how to do things, ways to make us rich, or ways in which we can improve ourselves to better our lives. These gurus are telling us how much money we can make, and asking us to buy their products. Should we listen to them? Are they for real? Who knows, that’s another conversation.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s all really great stuff and for a while I was very involved in self help. I was going to seminars, following people on social media, meeting lifestyle entrepreneurs, going to fitness expos, listening to podcasts all the time, reading books, etc. The list goes on and on and on. Here’s the thing, I am not in anyway talking down to the self help community or saying it’s a bad thing to constantly immerse yourself in personal growth. It’s a great thing, and I still am constantly learning new ways in my life on how to challenge myself and grow as a person all the time.

But, here’s why I stopped. I was going to these seminars, meeting new people, learning how to change my thinking, listening to podcasts. But, I wasn’t doing the one thing I knew I needed to do.

