Listen To Your Gut When It Comes To Dating And Relationships

Why you need to listen to your gut and intuition

Will Fulton
Elevate Yourself


That gut feeling…

Something may feel off with the person you’re dating. You don’t know why, but it just feels off. This could be totally reversed as well. Woah! This person is amazing, I could definitely seem myself with them long term. Has someone ever told you, “Listen to your intuition.” A phrase I’ve heard quite often throughout my life, not just when it comes to dating and relationships.

You usually know right from the beginning

Have you ever started dating someone, maybe it was even on the first date. But, you just knew it wasn’t going to work out in the long term. I’ve asked countless couples on how they knew they would be with the person they were currently dating long term. You always hear:

“I just knew.”

“It felt right on the first date.”

“He or she just got me.”

“I never questioned anything.”

You’ve probably heard these phrases from numerous people when referencing their significant other. They just knew. But, then you ask yourself,

