5 Clear-Cut Signs You Really Need Better Friends

Life’s too short to waste it on people who drain you instead of making you better.

Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Some people deal with their eventual mid-life crises by buying sports cars or hooking up with random 20-somethings. I wasn’t quite that dramatic about mine. (I don’t drive, and I’m perfectly happy being married to someone my own age.) But I did seemingly wake up one day tired of settling for less in areas of my life where I knew I deserved more. So, I started working out and taking better care of myself. I also developed some new skills.

And then I took a long, hard look at my social circle.

I hadn’t felt genuinely close to most of the people I called my friends in years, but I was doing what most people do when they’ve known folks a long time. I was hanging on to them because they were familiar. I also thought that was simply what you did with friends — stick with them forever, even once you’re not sure you like them as people anymore.

The funny thing about coasting into middle age is you’re suddenly aware that you don’t have an infinite amount of time left on the planet. You become increasingly bothered by the notion that you might be wasting what’s left of yours on the wrong things — or the wrong people. That’s how (and why) I eventually wound up…



Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living

Pro copywriter and blogger. Midjourney enthusiast. Avid storyteller. She-wolf. | Email: bellingthecat@gmail.com | Links: https://linktr.ee/shannonhilson