On Adapting Your Creative Routine for Summer

Elevated Living Newsletter: June 2021

Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living


Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

I’ve never been someone who looks forward to summer all year (or at all, for that matter.) I’m a cool weather gal all the way — the kind of person who starts complaining that it’s too hot once the temperature so much as approaches 70. In fact, my favorite weather is pretty gloomy by most people’s definition. I like it cloudy, grey, and — if possible — rainy or stormy, to boot. It’s the absolute best when you want to stay in and spend most of your time being creative.

I’ve been trying to get into the summer spirit a little more than usual lately, though, because it just plain feels better than complaining all the time. We’ve been dining al fresco on our patio a lot, as well as spending more time outside in general. We’ve done yard work together and gone further out of our way to notice the birds that have been returning as the weather gets milder. I’m a long-time sun hater, but even I have to admit the sun and fresh air have been restorative lately.

I’m actually looking forward to adapting my creative routine so that it encourages me to embrace the season this year instead of ignoring it the way I usually would. How do you go about doing the same? Does summer make you feel more like creating or less? What are your favorite ways to stay inspired this time…



Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living

Pro copywriter and blogger. Midjourney enthusiast. Avid storyteller. She-wolf. | Email: bellingthecat@gmail.com | Links: https://linktr.ee/shannonhilson