On Love and Gratitude in the Time of COVID

Elevated Living Newsletter: February 2021

Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living


Photo by Mathieu Cheze on Unsplash

I’m not sure whether it’s just another by-product of getting older or what, but January’s been an absolute blur for my husband and me. The earlier part of the month found us suffering from a serious case of post-holiday blahs. A straight-up coup attempt at the United States Capitol building, not even a week into the new year, hardly helped.

Thankfully, things slowly but surely began to feel like they were looking up. Seeing a new president sworn in later in the month didn’t magically fix everything, of course, but I was still surprised by how much better it made me feel. It didn’t exactly suck to see the first-ever woman of color sworn in as vice president, either. I grew up thinking I’d never see someone who looked so much like me in such a position, but there she is, just the same.

Now it’s time to start thinking about February, which — of course — includes Valentine’s Day in our home. But I also have a confession to make. For a Californian, I have a huge soft spot in my heart for New Orleans and Mardi Gras, so sometimes I have even more fun celebrating that. I’m especially looking forward to it this year, as an early Easter in 2021 also means a Mardi Gras that falls just a few days after Valentine’s Day.



Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living

Pro copywriter and blogger. Midjourney enthusiast. Avid storyteller. She-wolf. | Email: bellingthecat@gmail.com | Links: https://linktr.ee/shannonhilson